
Personal blog and comfy corner of Lyra Rhodes: musician, cake aficionado, whinger...maybe just a place where I can stuff things (words!), rather than them falling down the back of the sofa

Thursday, 24 October 2013

Band On The Run...better than Sgt Pepper

Sure, sure...a weird thing to say? 

Preferring Wings to The Beatles? (you might prefer neither) 

Well, no.
If you like early era Beatles, kinda up to and including Revolver I suppose, then you'll have a good argument. However, I prefer the later stuff - White Album etc
But there's a problem with that. Mecca was no longer co-writing much with Lennon on this later stuff, and for every "Blackbird" there was an "O Bla Di O Bla Da". You see?
Denny Lane filled that gap I think.

Which means that I hugely prefer Band On The Run to Sgt Pepper... :-)

(favourite track - "Nineteen Hundred and Eighty Five") 

1 comment:

Véro B said...

I know only the radio hits from Band on the Run, but there were several: title song, Jet, Let Me Roll It (favourite), and Helen Wheels. Good album among Macca's post-Beatles work.

My favourite Beatles album is A Hard Day's Night. Probably not the most common choice! I think that was their most amazing pop songwriting period before they went "prog."