
Personal blog and comfy corner of Lyra Rhodes: musician, cake aficionado, whinger...maybe just a place where I can stuff things (words!), rather than them falling down the back of the sofa

Tuesday, 2 July 2013

More than 6 inches please

Everything is getting bigger. People. Food portions. Cars. Phones.
Waiting in the dentist surgery the other day, she saw me reading a book on my Galaxy Note... "is that an eReader?", she said. I replied that it was a phone...
(I didn't use the word "Phablet" to her... I was too worried about the upcoming dental work...)

A couple of years ago, folks LAUGHED at such things... more than 5 inches was just... painful!!
But now... Everyone can't get enough. Neither can I. The Samsung Galaxy Mega? 6.3 inches please!
Or I might just wait for the Galaxy Note 3...
BUT NOT IF IT'S LESS THAN 6 INCHES! It just makes YouTube, books, web browsing, Facebook... everything better. I make most calls in the car, using a headset, I only occasionally look stupid putting it to my head.
I think that there's a reason that these are increasingly marketed towards women.
...because we carry a handbag/purse...so pockets aren't an issue...

And I can take the size...

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